Clocks go back survival tips

Clocks go back survival tips

This year the clocks will go back on Sunday 29th of October,  for some people it means an extra hour in a lovely cosy bed… However, the same cannot be said for us parents – instead we risk a fraught week of tantrums before bedtime and waking up with the birds in the morning! Yay!  Here’s some tips to make the transition to GMT more successful this year….


Add to your diary

Today’s busy lives, mean that things tend to creep up on us, so to make sure you are prepared for the clock changes, diary them in your phone a week before to remind you. This will give you plenty of time to prepare your little ones without them even noticing!


adjust gradually

Make bed time 15 minutes later each day and if you can allow your child to sleep 15 minutes longer in the morning or if they are already awake ask them to stay in bed and relax for a little longer, even if they only last a few minutes. This will help them adjust to the time changes naturally.


adjust schedule

You need to move your daily schedule at the same rate including all mealtimes, you don’t want your child waking early because they are hungry or going to sleep feeling hungry.


Stick to routine

Stick to your bedtime routines as this will help signal to your baby or child that even if the clocks have changed, it’s time to sleep.



Finally, Help your children understand what time it is with the Groclock sleep trainer for toddlers. How do you get your children to understand when it’s time to get up? SIMPLE “stay in bed until you see the sun!”

You can WIN a Clocks Go Back Survival Kit courtesy of the Gro Company in our latest competition click here to enter.

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