Summer holidays & getting ready for School

Summer holidays & getting ready for School

Potty training is a big step for a little person, and it’s important to realise that no two children are the same. Some children may struggle with potty training and others may work out potty training in a couple of days. It is also worth considering that although a child may get to grips with potty training in the house; when it comes to being out in public or starting nursery, their potty training may regress when other factors and an unfamiliar environment comes into play.

Our aim is to make it no nonsense and as easy and stress free as possible and to get you and your little ones out enjoying the summer regardless of the ‘potty stage’.

There are (3) key phases to building your child's toilet training and learning experience. They work as part of a learning cycle. The phases are phase 1 Preparation, phase 2 Practice, phase 3 Do it

In the real world, in real life, these phases often overlap and are not definitive stages. The time it takes varies by child and that’s why it is so tricky to do in a set period of time. But our view is to keep positive and celebrate moving forward, expect a few hiccups and don’t worry about any little accidents.

Phase 1 Prepare for Potty Training

Make a plan as to how you will track your child's progress, perhaps using a progress chart, share it with your child, put it on display, perhaps stick it in a visible place on the fridge.

Tell everyone your plan as you may find it helpful to enlist the help and support from your relatives, nursery staff and any other family carers to ensure a consistent approach with your child toilet training plan. 

Ask your nursery if they will help you by using your child’s Pottiagogo in the nursery site and for forest school trips.

Having a personal potty minimises any worries about hygiene through potential potty sharing and ensures a consistent ‘sitting’ experience for your child.

Create lots of opportunities to discuss the potty training transition and talk through any worries your child may have.

Use a potty training book and look at pictures about potty training that you can talk about together.

 Potty training book

Your child may find it interesting and helpful to learn from images or cartoons of other kids using a potty too. Discuss with your child about how grown up the children using Pottiagogo are, and how much fun they are having getting out and about experiencing new and exciting things.

Plan a special trip as part of your child's preparation to buy big boy or big girl pants and talk about how being nappy free will feel so much more comfortable for your child.

Talk with your child about older siblings and how they are so independent now and this is what you want for your child too.

If your child learns best by watching others, why not show your child how you use the toilet, how you wipe your bum, how you flush the loo and how you wash your hands afterwards as part of a great hygiene routine.

Plan for little mistakes and have spare clothes at the ready.

Above all, plan to get out and about and do exciting things - pack your Pottiagogo  #gogo

Phase 2 Practice until Perfect

You remember that phrase right?

Start in a familiar space at home and as you know your child the best you must decide the frequency that your child needs to be reminded to sit on the potty during the day. It may be helpful to plan a few days to focus just on this repeated action.

Start with sitting your child on the potty to ask them if they need to go. This may be as frequently as every 10-20 minutes to start with.

Potty training

 You will need to judge with your child as to how long the gaps between reminders to try to go and you may find it helpful to set an alarm on your phone to remind you.

So as not to confuse your child, ensure that they understand the reason for sitting on the Potty is to try to go to the toilet rather than watch TV or read that book.

Your positive encouragement is really important here in order to keep the momentum for your child to keep trying. Use lots of praise and smiles and reward stickers ( if that works for your kid) with every attempt hit or miss.  Remember every miss is nearly a hit and it’s always worth praise for trying.

Plan fun trips in return for your child's efforts.

Dress your child in clothes that they can easily pull up and down over their bum independently.

When the weather starts to cool down we have found that Kidunk suits work really well for potty training toddlers as they are so easy to get on an off.

This is where practice is essential and do practice this skill at home. You can even make it a game by seeing how fast your child can do it against the clock!

Top Parents Tip is to rehearse taking Pottiagogo out of your bag and flicking it open quickly so get comfortable with the easy opening flick of Pottiagogo with a potty liner bag pre fitted. This can save you vital seconds in a real life scenario which will help you be more relaxed and confident when it comes to the real thing.

Pottiagogo folds down flat so it can be easily stored under your buggy or discreetly in your bag.   Why not keep one locked and loaded in the boot of the car - it’s surprising how many times the ‘I want to go now!’ call comes when you’re in a traffic jam!


Phase 3: Do it!

The whole point of this journey is to get our little ones to be happy about using a toilet. One of the ways to do this is to make it an everyday expectation of how we all behave when we need to go to the loo. At first, you may find it easier to take Pottiagogo on a short trip to a friend's garden or on a short walk to the local park to help build your child’s confidence.

Encourage your child to practice using the Pottiagogo when neither of you are in a stressed situation.

This helps create a positive learning experience. Then why not try to build up your experience together by using Pottiagogo in busier situations like at the zoo or on a bus and in enclosed situations like on the floor in public toilet cubicles.  Consistency of approach and belief in your child's ability to learn will help to  build confidence all round.

Top Parents Tip - Ditch the Pull Ups!

If your child has all the signs they are ready there will be a point where you will have to just go for it and ditch all nappies and pull ups with no turning back. Yes of course there may be a few accidents but how bad can it really be?

With lots of positive encouragement, your child's self belief will continue to build.

Top Parents Tip - Unlike other potties, the Pottiagogo seat is designed to look and feel like an adult toilet seat. Our research indicates, and our community confirms, that this helps kids in getting used to the feeling of how a grown up toilet looks and feels. Our potty also sits a bit higher off the ground too so is better for slightly taller/older kids.  As your child progresses he/she will build her confidence levels about trying to use a regular toilet.

We know of lots of families who are planning to use Pottiagogo for bigger kids as a little loo whilst at the beach hut or camping at festivals this summer.

Remember all kids are different and some become experts quicker than others but if you take the time to prepare and practice together you will get there.

Shop our range of travel potties & liners, here.



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